

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


Ashira School

for Girls with Complex Disabilities



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About Us

Ashira provides a professional and pleasant learning environment for girls with intellectual disabilities and those on the autistic spectrum. Our goal is to help these girl achieve maximum quality of life and independence. We love and respect each and every student, and we believe that it is possible to lead each one towards greater interpersonal communication and self-motivation.


Professionalism and Enrichment

Occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, emotional therapy, assisted communication technologies (including personal iPads and computers), music, sports, art, puppet theater, hydrotherapy, animal therapy, therapeutic horseback riding.


Target Population

Girls ages 6-21 with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities and/or autism.


Professional Staff

Our staff includes certified special education teachers, health professionals, , social worker, guidance counselor, medical counselor, school nurse.


Hours of Operation

8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Vacations parallel those of the Ministry of Education.



One of our most important goals is encouraging independence, beginning with basic skills, such as eating, and including more complex tasks, such as using public transportation. All activities are broken down into smaller skill-sets that are practiced repeatedly, until the final goal is achieved.



The classrooms, curriculum, and professional guidance are provided in accordance with the specific needs, disabilities, and functional level of each student.


Advanced Technology

At Ashira, we utilize many advanced and innovative technologies to help our students advance. These include iPads and communication devices to encourage interpersonal communication and self-expression. In addition, we use sophisticated equipment for specific complex disabilities, including a computer that assist in focusing visual attention, as well as special physical therapy equipment.


Interpersonal Communication

The students at Ashira learn social skills and appropriate interaction with their environment. Our curriculum, which focuses on alternative communication skills and speaking up for oneself, encourages students to initiate communication, articulate their needs, and make choices on their own.


Integration in the Community

Ashira runs an inclusion program to help the students learn about proper conduct and tact in social settings.


Personal Safety

Ashira has a comprehensive personal safety curriculum


Hygiene and Appearance

The students at Ashira learn about proper self-care. They are toilet-trained and achieve a high level of ability in the realms of personal hygiene and self-care.


Preparing for Adulthood

Beginning in 9th grade, the students take courses geared towards attaining skills that will help them in their adult lives.


Age and Community Appropriate

All activities at Ashira are run to parallel those of schools in the general religious community. Classes are divided by grade level, there is a school uniform, and the students learn skills and subjects that are studied by their counterparts.




  • Seeach Sod has achieved international recognition for its professional approach to special education.
  • Infrastructure: hydrotherapy pool, therapeutic horseback riding, Snoezelen room under one roof.
  • Wide range of professional staff, including a nurse, physical therapist, guidance councelor, occupational therapist, and speech therapist.
  • Support for parent, including personal guidance, workshops, and parents’ evenings.
  • Social activities and experiences




Address: 7 Adrikal, Jerusalem

Phone: 02-640-5045

Principal: Mrs. Ella Biderman – 053-312-3162

Registration Department:

Phone: 02-640-5025/ 053-312-3184

Fax: 02-640-1525

Email: lfried@seso.co.il




Additional Info

  • תת כותרת: Elementary school for girls with complex disabilities