
'Chumash Celebration at 'Otzar Yerushalayim
"חזו חזו בני חביבי"
At an exciting celebration, the students of the "Otzar Yerushalayim" Chieder, part of Seeach Sod, marked the beginning of their study of the Chumash.
The event was attended by parents, grandparents, many family members, and the Mayor of Jerusalem, Mr. Moshe Lion.
Minister of Education Yoav Kisch Visits Seeach Sod
Minister of Education Yoav Kisch, along with his professional team, conducted an extensive learning tour of Seeach Sod this week. The minister wished Rabbi Shimon Levy, CEO of Seeach Sod, continued success in leading the field of special education with the same dedication and expertise he has demonstrated for many years.

World Autism Awareness Day at Seeach Sod
Today, April 2nd, is World Autism Awareness Day.
Seeach Sod is here to share a few short and to the point phrases and illustrations-
'What is autism'

Contributing our part to the war effort
The adults in Seeach Sod's Shoham Day Center are contributing their part to the war effort by packing candy bags for children in hospitals. The directors of the charity organization 'Mish'an La' Choleh' who are facilitating this project, came to visit the Day Center and were so impressed by our special adults.