Volunteers are people who see beyond 9-5 and beyond six digit salaries.
They are the ones who see the mission, feel the passion and then create action.
Seeach Sod is open and happy to invite you to volunteer.
Come join the Seeach Sod family by offering your time with our children or adults in one of Seeach Sod's schools, vocational programs or in the group homes!
The Seeach Sod family is simply not complete without your involvement!
If you are interested in volunteering, please call Mrs. Rivka Bergstein: 054-8034264 or email rivkab@seso.co.il
Contribute to Seeach Sod's mission today transforming your inspiration into ACTION!
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• Sign up to Seeach Sod's e-mail list at the top of this page
• Sign up to Seeach Sod's Youtube channel
• Leave a comment in Seeach Sod's Guestbook
If you would like to organize a mini-fundraiser in your community, please e-mail Mrs. Rivka Bergstein: rivkab@seso.co.il
We appreciate your time and commitment!